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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunny's final shoot at Snow Valley

by Justin Kowalczuk

Upon arriving at SnowValley we noticed the fresh powder being made on the hill, thus., it was apparent from the get go that today was going to be an epic shoot. The crew was fully determined to shoot the final day with ease and confidence that presented the true strength of each other. With some quick planning by the director Brandon Boucher any scenes that were once missed were completed. Furthermore, we were able to film some truly great scenes that will lend a hand in the editing room. Also, Sunny continues to tear up the slopes, and it seems with each day she is getting better, and better. Today, she was carving down the slopes with Christina like a pro. It is apparent in their smiles that both Sunny and Christina have created a natural bond together, and trust one another as they shred the pow. Sunny’s mother stood at the bottom of the hill watching proudly as her daughter tackled what seemed like a beast of a hill on the first day. Today was a truly glorious day, everything ran smoothly and perfectly. Next, we will all be heading to Castle Mountain! Stay tuned for more updates about the crew and Sunny’s adventure in achieving our goals.

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