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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bow Valley connected to the Olympics through lifestyle

By Rick MacDonnell, SnowSeekers Inc.

On every leg of the Olympic Torch Relay through Alberta, a different choir has performed the song, There's a Light, written by the New World Choirs. In Canmore, the chosen choir was the Bow Valley Chorus, led by Music Director John Goulart.

The Bow Valley Chorus has been performing together for over 10 years, singing classical choral music with orchestral accompaniment. They typically sing the likes of Mozart and Beethoven, but Goulart knew that the opportunity to perform There's a Light at a Torch rally was too great to pass up.

"We haven't done something like this before," said Goulart, "but we've certainly performed in some major concerts over the last decade. To perform as part of the Olympic celebration is a privilege and an honour that we're all really proud of."

A native of Canmore, Goulart is certainly in tune with what makes Albertans achieve such great heights athletically.

"Just looking at the Bow Valley, specifically, you can see that there's a very strong connection to the Olympics here. You have the Banff Ski Racers, you have the Banff Ski Academy, there's Thomas Grandi who lives in Banff, and a former neighbour of mine – Jan Hudec – is on the national ski team and has done very well internationally.

"We also have two gold medalists from the last winter olympics who live in Canmore, Chandra Crawford and Sara Renner. These people are prominent in the community, they play an active role, and because of that they get a tremendous amount of support from the community."

There certainly seems to be a connection between the Bow Valley's athletic success and the way in which its residents live their lives.

"Everyone gets out and participates, gets out and runs, gets out and skis. There's a whole bunch of winter activities that basically make this place one of the the nicest places to live in Canada."

Make sure to catch the Travel Alberta Olympic Torch Relay videos on YouTube at www.youtube.com/user/TravelAlbertaCanada

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