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Saturday, January 9, 2010

White tails and coyotes

Normally when you head out on an animal wilderness tour, you are taking your chances on actually seeing any wildlife; after all it's not like someone opens the gates and says, "Okay fellas, go do your thing for the tourists." but not 10 minutes out with Jasper Adventure Centre and we had to slow down for a small herd of White Tail deer on the road. If we would have been faster, I would have had pictures to prove it, but these deer are skittish and with a flick of their tails, they were bounding over the ditch and disappearing into the trees.
Less than two minutes later, who's coming up the road? Mr. Coyote himself (or herself). Nonchalantly trotting up the road towards us and ignoring the crows diving over his/her head. Our guide, Dieter Regett brought back the reality of the animal kingdom by suggesting that there must have been a kill that both scavengers were after, thus the dive-bombing crows.
This was just the beginning of our morning adventure here in Jasper National Park, and what a way to start. To find out more, visit snowseekers.ca over the next few days for the follow-up stories and more on Jasper, Marmot Basin and the upcoming Jasper in January Festival.
Cheers, Barb

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